What we resolve within ourselves also helps the whole

Eliana Fe

Everything is Connected

When many people work on themselves and bring about clarity within, learn to forgive, and become more loving and tolerant, they not only transform themselves but also help to transform collective patterns.

Everything is Connected

When many people work on themselves and create clarity within, learn to forgive, and become more loving and tolerant, they not only transform themselves but also help to transform collective patterns.

Time of Upheaval

We are living in a time of upheaval. Many things are breaking open within individuals, as well as socially and globally. Much suffering and injustice are occurring in many countries where people are fighting to free themselves from authoritarian regimes. But even in Europe and the United States, familiar structures are breaking down. Many people are now struggling for their existence and do not know what the future holds. We watch the news in shock and sadness, often feeling helpless.

We must not resign ourselves and think that we can do nothing. It is already a lot if we do not succumb to fear and resignation but continue to move forward step by step, despite uncertainty and existential anxiety, again and again, every day.

Let us try to build trust repeatedly! It often seems like a Sisyphean task that never leads to a goal, but if we succeed in this, we automatically become stronger and more connected to the omnipresent creative force.

Life is Energy

What connects us all is creative energy. It carries and nourishes us. It keeps us alive and allows us to think, speak, and feel. It is a creative ‘flow’ that not only flows through us and all being but is also the essence of everything. When we are consumed by fear, we are less open to perceiving the voice of intuition. We then become cut off from the living, from the creative within us.

We have all been given this life. We shape it according to our abilities. But we also shape it primarily according to our awareness of this creative essence.

People who do not know that everything perceivable is ultimately creative energy have different concepts and goals than those who are aware of this. The latter know that we are connected and one with everything through this pure, creative consciousness and ‘vibrational essence.’ And this knowledge is expressed not only in how they approach life and their fellow human beings but also in their aura, in their energy body.

Everything is logical and consequent, as it is

“A society that is aware of the unity of all being and the divinity of each individual will express itself differently in science, art, and politics than a society focused on power and separation.”

From: Eliana Fe, You Are Multidimensional Consciousness, p. 41, available in german only

“I assume that for many who read this, my words are nothing new and that through your work on yourselves and possibly also through your work with other people, you have long been helping to transform collective patterns. This is a great gift for our world.

Our Body is Energy

Our physical body is energy. Our energy consists of various energy facets, the quality of which can vary. The freer our total energy ‘vibrates,’ and the more we succeed in transforming and resolving burdens within us, the more permeable and ‘free’ our energy body becomes. And since we have always been connected to everything, we immediately resonate with similarly ‘transformed energy bodies’ of other people. With each transformation of burdensome imprints, we also access the omnipresent creative essence more deeply.

The Material Originates from the Spiritual

“Individuals cannot truly change global consciousness fields, but as soon as many of you remember your true being, new causes are automatically set that will have more radiant effects.”

From: Eliana Fe, You Are Multidimensional Consciousness, p. 55, available only in German

Even if we may not notice progress for a long time, we must not lose heart. Instead, we should continue on this path, step by step. We do not need to convince anyone intellectually; it is our radiance and our lived values that work automatically. Thus, individuals gradually become many.

By working on ourselves and our imprints and mechanisms, by trying to remain in trust and being loving towards ourselves and others, we collectively bring about change—even if it may take a long time.

I know this probably sounds cynical to some. Those who are currently suffering may shake their heads in annoyance when they hear they should simply trust.


Trusting is indeed not easy. Often, learning to trust is a process that takes years or perhaps even a lifetime.

A person who is anchored in trust is a source of strength for others.

Those who have experienced being backed against the wall and not knowing how to move forward may later realize that life went on despite that. Those who have always been accustomed to success might find it harder to trust in life and its often very surprising possibilities in such situations.

The current situation also presents an opportunity for us to get to know ourselves better in all aspects and to reconsider old, familiar habits and certainties.

Trusting means not only knowing ourselves well but also understanding life as a whole.

It means staying curious and open and being willing to see ourselves and our lives anew. Often, we may need to let go of certain concepts or reassess them: What is it that carries me? What is it that has allowed me to rise again and again? Ultimately, it also touches on the question of creativity and the question of who I am. This topic can only be touched upon here and would require its own article.

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