About me

Hi, I am Eliana Fe

I am Swiss and live in Munich. In my first profession, I worked for a short time as a lawyer in Zürich, and in my second profession, I am a classical singer. However, for many years now, I have primarily worked in the holistic field.

Education and Activities in the Holistic Field

I am a meditation teacher, holistic coach, grief counselor, Reiki Master and author of two holistic books. I also completed a conflict resolution training (restorative circles) with Dominic Barter. For many years, I also have been leading several meditation and silent retreats. In my CD ‘Surrender to the Divine,’ which features my own songs for soprano and piano and was released in 2017, I combined classical Western singing with ancient Sanskrit mantras and bhajan texts that I learned during my many visits to India. More about me as a classical singer can be found under Music and Press + Infos.

India and Advaita Vedanta

Since a profound spiritual experience in 1996, I have been intensely engaged in the nature of being and self-exploration, delving into the philosophy of non-duality (Advaita Vedanta). Through several extended stays in India since 2001, I have often devoted several months entirely to being and have repeatedly visited great saints and divine incarnations (Sanskrit: Avatars).

The experiences of vastness and security have never led me to doubt that there is a divine/creative source that is pure love and light, encompassing and sustaining everything, ultimately one with me and with all. However, I have never attributed this divine source to any specific religion, and see it in a free and broad sense. In this sense, I consider myself a deeply spiritual and also religious person.

What is important to me and what I believe

  • I believe it is time for us to recognize who we are.

  • I know that we cannot force anything in life, but that our devotion, mindfulness and surrender to the flow of life lead to peace.
  • I believe that every person carries the same power of love as a seed within themselves, and that it is most important for all of us to listen to our hearts.
  • I know that true transformation and healing only happens through love and through the One, the Divine, the Source of all Being.
  • I know that every person carries the solution to their problems within themselves and it just needs to be found.
  • I know that everything in life is in flow and that changes happen at the right time.
  • I know that ultimately I know nothing, and yet there is knowledge when it is needed.
  • And I believe in the healing power of music and the voice.