The call to “be free!” aims to remind us of our essence and to say, “be yourself, listen to yourself and your inner impulses, be present, be independent of the concepts, judgments, and the ever-changing needs of your mind. Do not be this or that; simply be. Be freedom itself!

Eliana Fe

What does it mean to be free?

Being free is merely an idea, a thought concept: The thought of being free implies that we feel somehow unfree. We try to imagine what it would be like to be free. A truly free person does not desire to be free; they are free, and they only think about it when it is necessary for some reason.

Stop nurturing the inner chatter; just observe

Who or what within us tells us that we are not free or that we are not good enough just as we are? The desire for freedom dissolves when we stop nurturing the inner chatter by no longer identifying with the judgments of our mind. Its influence gradually diminishes over time. Once our identification with it is increasingly resolved, only pure essence remains. At that point, there is no longer a desire for freedom. Life is accepted as it is, and ego no longer stands out as the dominant evaluator and driver but instead serves when needed.

“Attachment and liberation are … illusions. They do not exist in the Self. How could there be any concept in the undivided, motionless, silent, immaculate, pure, non-dual reality that resembles the heavens?”

Sri Sankaracarya, 788-820 CE, The Crest Jewel of Discrimination, Verse 574

Can we do something for this complete de-identification?

With this question, we are already deep into the mind game of wanting to change and do. Our inner driver tells us that we have control and can bring about change through our actions, if only we truly wanted to. The answer is ‘no, we can’t do as much as we often think we can.'”

Deepening Understanding

We can at most prepare ourselves by deepening our understanding, and we can pay attention to staying connected with ourselves so that we can perceive impulses and also notice when we evaluate ourselves or others. In doing so, a lot has already been ‘done.’ The rest is up to the ever-present creative force or, to put it another way, the ‘divine mother’ or God. This universal creative force brings about complete understanding in due time.

Understanding means that on this path to inner peace and freedom, there is nothing to achieve that isn’t already present. Understanding also means recognizing that we are not truly the ones taking action; rather, life unfolds, and there is no separate person existing with a completely free will, but only the ONE SELF, the All-One.

The One Self – the All-One

“The truth is, there has never been a separate person, only the One Self.

The One sees, feels, experiences – and then the ego intervenes, claiming, “I saw, I felt, I experienced; what I saw, I like, I want to feel again, I must absolutely experience.”

This brings forth the concepts of past and present, judgments, and separation.”

Eliana Fe, You are multidimensional consciousness, p. 40 f., available only in German

This means: You are the One Self, you are light and universal love, complete and undivided from everything, but you primarily identify yourself as a person and have therefore forgotten who you are.

Everything comes from the One – the Self

Everything comes from the One, the Self, as Sri Shankaracharya (circa 788) and Ramana Maharshi refer to it. Everything originates from this creative source of all being, which we cannot grasp with our limited minds. From it, we receive impulses and the power to implement them, and the outcome always lies in ‘its hands’. Our own efforts have much less to do with it than we often think.

However, this does not mean that we should do nothing at all or that we cannot do anything for a freer and more authentic life or for a deeper understanding of our being. But we should place things in their proper context.

Faith, Devotion, Mindfulness

Belief in inner (divine) guidance (regardless of any religious path), devotion in everything we do, and a mindful observation of what is happening right now can – in my opinion – be important keys to a freer and more authentic life.

This requires that I allow what I cannot change. At the same time, I can also entrust it to God or to the divine mother/the inner light.  That is all that is needed. It does no good to convince ourselves that we are, in essence, pure consciousness—even if that is the case— as long as we continually identify with our thoughts and feelings and suffer because of it.

We can only begin with what is happening right now and give it our loving attention, without immediately pushing it away and without judging ourselves for it.

Everything is Allowed

It is the non-judgmental acceptance that sets changes in motion. It is the light of our consciousness, the light of our essence, of our true Self, which helps us—often without us realizing it—to dissolve identifications and attachments.

Eliana Fe

So: Welcome everything that shows up in your life.

At the same time, know that the river of life will always take you to new shores with new possibilities if you let it carry you.

Means and Techniques

Means and techniques such as contemplation, meditation, yoga, rituals, mantra chanting, spiritual conversations, etc., can be used to calm our dominant mind.

It is this mind—and especially our identification with it—that covers the inherent peace within us. Therefore, it can be helpful to provide it with different nourishment and to discipline it, for example, through a mantra, or a technique on which we can focus, or to expand it through a ritual. This can also happen through sports or a pleasant walk. This also gives us the opportunity to observe it closely. Sometimes we only realize how dominant it truly is. Mindful observation is the most important part, more so than the technique itself.

If we succeed in consciously observing our thoughts and feelings repeatedly, but not letting ourselves be overwhelmed by them, they will gradually lose their dominance over us, and we will become more composed.

Techniques and means can become counterproductive when we do not give them the right importance and lose ourselves in them. They are always just tools that we can let go of at any time. They alone achieve nothing without our dedication and our longing for unity, for the divine, and for the realization of our true Self.

Sometimes it is more important for us to simply listen to ourselves and do something that brings us joy.

In everything we do, we should listen to ourselves – to our heart –  because it is about us.

I wholeheartedly wish you all the best on your journey. May you be loved, supported, and blessed beyond your expectations.

Eliana Fe

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